Thunder Bay
Oliver Reimer, Certified Teacher


November  22, 2018 —–

Dr. Feldenkrais talked about the self image – recognizing it and improving it. I had no idea about the Feldenkrais Method when I made these paintings in the early ’80s. When I pay attention I start remembering my dreams. This series began with a dream that wouldn’t let me forget it. It just kept replaying in my imagination at random times for three days. Then I thought about how when I describe a dream in words, so much of the richness just evaporates till there is nothing left but a scaffolding of inadequate words. What if I did not tell anyone and just painted the dreams. Maybe something would be saved on the scaffold of visual imagery. The Owl Woman is how it began. The image of the house is an unambiguous reflection of me – myself. See images below:

Paintings are 8″ by 11″, acrylic on masonite

My home and practice is, in Thunder Bay, in the Robinson-Superior Treaty territory and this land is the traditional territory of the Anishnaabeg and Métis people.